Pet Articles and News
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 Pet Care After Pet Adoption

Many of you have taken part in the many pet adoption events this past month. Az Pet Professioals are so happy to hear the many stories of pets getting adopted this month and hearing the success stories of the shelters working so hard at trying to adopt out so many dogs and cats!

With that in mind, how many of you feel a little lost now that you’ve brought your new pet home?

We put together a short, simple list of some basics to assist you the first weeks of your new pet’s living arrangements and introduction into their new fur-ever home!


If you own a dog you should have:

· Dog dishes (a stainless steel, no- tip water bowl and a stainless steel or heavy plastic food bowl. If you have a large dog, it is better if the dishes are up high.

· A place for your dog to sleep.  Dog bed, Dog crate

· A toenail clipper or Pedi Paws type nail file

· A brush and/or comb (Furminators work great for heavy coats!) Ask our amazing groomers which brush they’d recommend in between grooming appointments!)

· A large and a small shaver if you have a small dog that needs trimming before his grooming appointment

· A high quality dog or puppy food and treats (We have a homemade dog treat business you can refer to!!

· An appropriate collar, leash or harness for walking. Current rabies tag, microchip tag and identification on the collar. Rolled leather or heavy duty nylon is best for your larger dog and a harness is best for your small breeds.  Make sure that if you notice any concerning behavior within the first couple of weeks that you choose a well known, professional, force free dog trainer to assist your training needs.  Our very own Kathrine Breeden of course!


If you just adopted a feline, adult or kitten, here are a few essentials for our felines to help make their transition into their new home, fun and exciting!

First, every cat loves food, right?

Cat dishes (a stainless steel no- tip water and food bowl) Many cats enjoy the new water fountain type dishes you can Purchase at many pet stores!

· A place for your cat or kitten to sleep, a comfy pet bed will do or a kitty tower that has some form of a box-like hiding spot.

· A toenail clipper so you can keep his/her nails trimmed short

· A scratching post- Cats love to perch! They enjoy being in their “Tree” and being able to overlook their surroundings. A safe, fun place for them. You can also teach them to use their cat tree for the scratching that cats need!

· A brush or comb- Especially if medium to long haired. Again, just call up our amazing groomers! Yes, they do groom cats too!

· A litter box or two, or three….. recomended to have at least one per cat in different areas of the house. A problem noticed with new kitty? Call on our very own Jane Erlich, our “Cat whisperer” if you will!

· A high quality cat or kitten food and treats. Pet Club can assist you with many different Kitty Treat options!

· A breakaway collar with identification in case he/she escapes outside.


A couple of our favorite veterinarians!

Chandler: or

San Tan Valley and Queen Creek areas: if you live in Queen Creek or San Tan Valley!


If you own either or both, a dog or cat, you will need to keep all health records in a file so if you need them you will know exactly where to find them.

You are off to a great start on being a good pet owner! Please make sure to contact your veterinarian for a first visit! Don’t wait to establish a veterinarian/patient relationship under a medical problem, do it now while they are healthy so you are well prepared in case of an illness!

Lastly, for all of your current and new pet needs please browse through each of our members to the right of the page. We have you covered from A to Z with professional pet experts! Each member has a link that will take you directly to their website!

Thanks pet friends!


August 15th is “Check the Chip” Day!

Microchip that is! If your pet has a microchip you have a better chance of recovering a lost or stolen pet, but…. What if the chip is bad? What if the chip has migrated and can no longer be picked up by a reader in the universal position between the shoulder blades? That is why the AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) along with AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) teamed up together to create “Check the Chip day.”

First things first
. If you have not already had your pet/s microchipped get it done as soon as you can! It’s never too late! Call your family veterinarian today to schedule your pet for a microchip implantation. It’s quick and easy to do!

Secondly, if your pet is already microchipped make sure your registration is up to date including your home address, telephone numbers and emergency contact numbers. Your pet’s microchip will not do him/her any good if you’ve moved or changed any information and not updated those changes with the manufacture. If you aren’t sure which manufacture your pet’s microchip is from you can take your pet to any veterinarian that has a Universal Microchip Scanner. (Most do) This scanner will read the majority of any microchip. Your veterinarian can tell you which chip your pet has and give you the needed telephone number to call.

The most important database to register your pet with along with your manufacture’s, is AAHA’s “Universal Microchip LookUp Tool”. This large database is the one that most Shelters and Veterinarian’s use when searching for a Microchip Number.

So if you haven’t “Chipped” your pet yet or you haven’t “Checked the Chip” recently,  make a trip to your family veterinarian and do it soon! Make sure your pet’s chip is readable, has not migrated and that your registration is up to date!

Thanks Pet Parents!

Welcome Animal Medical Center of Chandler!

 Introducing your South Chandler Veterinarians!

We are so excited to announce that Animal Medical Center of Chandler is now a proud member of Az Pet Professionals! Several of us have known Dr. Stickland and Dr. Duregger for some time already and feel assured we are placing you into the most loving, caring of professionals. 

Please take a minute to click on their link to see pictures of Dr. Stickland’s brand new, beautiful Practice located on the NW Corner of Chandler Heights and Arizona Avenue.    


Dr. Andrea Stickland



Dr. Carolyn Duregger

270 W Chandler Heights Rd #3 Chandler, AZ, 85248.

Business Phone: (480) 339-0406. Website: Don’t forget to “Like” their Facebook Page! 

Welcome Arizona Veterinarians!

We are so excited to be adding this very important, professional service to our Network Group! All over the Valley people have so many choices for veterinarian professionals. But which one do you see? Why have they all become big city corporations? Let us ask you a couple of questions and you can decide on your own. 

  • If you currently go to a corporate/or corporate feeling veterinary office:
  • Do they work on commission? 
  • Do they seem to sell, sell, sell their services? 
  • Do you feel “ripped off?”
  • Do you feel like just another number who walked through the door? 
  • Are they spending quality time with you and your pets? 
  • Do you long for a more personal touch?

If you answered “YES” to any of the questions above, chances are you belong at a more personal veterinary practice. The ones who make you feel more at home, know your names when you walk through the door, are professional, efficient but without making you feel they are “Selling.” 

We strive to give notice to Arizona’s small business owners. That is why we are welcoming valley veterinarians who own their own practices. This is not an easy task. From start to finish they put their hearts, hands, sweat and tears into every aspect of building their practices. Let’s show them our dedication. After all, it’s us their doing this for right? They could easily “Sell out” but don’t. Now that shows genuine commitment to pet owners!

So who is going to give you personal, compassionate, high quality medical care and above all, dedication, loyalty and commitment to you and your pet families needs? Well, we are busy finding them for you. The Veterinarians who are joining our groups have been known by us for years and we trust and respect them as business owners and pet lovers.

For years now we have named several Valley Veterinarians on our website. Mostly because we use them ourselves or we’ve heard great things about them from one another. But it’s finally time to honor those committed, small business Veterinarians as actual group members! Their outstanding services should be more than just a name on our page. They’ve proved over and over to be the best and we are honored to shower them with appreciation and acknowledgement! You will see our referred Veterinarians’ page grow and grow because we want you to know where to take your pets for trusted and committed care. We care about you and your pets and only want the best for all of you. So stay tuned………….. we’ll be sharing our first official Veterinary Clinic in just a couple of days! 

Thanks pet friends! 



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