About Us

Welcome to Az Pet Professionals!


Copyright-Cow Dreamz Photography. Authorized use.

Our network group provides pet owners a place to come to hire the purr-fect, trusted, and referred, Paw-fessional to care for their fur family.

Our group collaborates every-other month to continue strengthening our relationships with one another, to share business tips, success stories, to help create our strong social media presence and to learn from each other in all fields.

As a group who’s purpose is to only refer personally known pet experts, we do not allow just anyone to join our network group.  We are invite only which means that one of us already knows and trusts another business and has invited that business to join us at our next meeting or, if a pet business contacts us they have to meet a high standard criteria beforehand that qualify and meet our expectations.

It is mandatory that our pet experts be Pet CPR and First Aid Trained and Educated if they work directly with other peoples pets. We are firm believers that if you work with other people’s pets you also need to know what to do in case of an accident or injury while your pet is in their care. Any member who is not trained in Pet CPR and First Aid has already had training in similar areas such as Registered Nurses, Veterinary Technicians, etc.

We never saturate any one business industry or field than what is comfortable for each member. That means that if one of our pet experts is still building their business, or accepting clients, and do not want the focus taken away from them, we won’t invite an additional member of that field. If one of our pet expert’s business is doing well and they feel we need to invite an additional service in their same field, then we will.

We are a Network Group who’s sole intent is to give you assurance in hiring a pet professional that’s known and trusted or to purchase a “US Made and Manufactured” product/food. It is also our desire to give pet owners in the Valley a single place on the Internet to go to when they are seeking to hire a pet professional.

The stories about the tragedies about several pet businesses in the News this past summer have made it even more important for pet owners to really know who is caring for their pets!

Our members are Licensed and Registered with their state/city, Insured, some are even Bonded in addition to Insured, and Trained and

Educated in Pet CPR and First Aid. 



Az Pet Professionals was founded in February of 2009 by Kim MacCrone, CVT, a veterinary industry expert who is the owner of “Vetek Chic On Wheels”, You can read about her under the Tab “Pet Sitting, Boarding and CPR.”

“As a small business owner I felt it was important to know and trust the businesses that I was referring my clients to.”

I am not comfortable referring my clients to businesses that I don’t know. Working in a veterinary clinic taught me a long time ago that you should never refer a business to your clients that you don’t know anything about! I began contacting like-minded pet industry professionals whom I did know and trust and who had a professional pet business or service and began forming stronger business relationships with.” Kim

Our common kinship brought about the creation of our Network!

Many of our members are involved in charity work to help benefit the local animal shelters and rescue groups. They donate their time and expertise when they can.

Our Group has donated Pet Oxygen Mask kits to the Gilbert Fire Department and plan on continuing our efforts in supplying fire stations with these important and life-saving pet oxygen kits.

We promote adoption! ADOPT, DON’T SHOP!

We research educational video and content to post so that our readers can come to our site for answers to pet questions.


To invite only pet professionals that we know and trust. To always promote responsible pet ownership, responsible pet businesses and to educate all pet owners whenever we can in our field of expertise. Most of all to exceed both you and your pet families expectations by being the best!

What’s in it for us?

Satisfaction and Gratitude!

Our Network group does not make money in referring each other! Our Network provides pet owners with a Network Group of trusted Pet Experts to care for your pet family. This is our reward along with new clients we gain from one anthers referrals.

We are a kinship of like minds. 

Compassionate Pet Lovers who care about the quality of their business, their upstanding reputations, the professionalism they display and the decency in treating people and their pets with the utmost love and respect.

Above all, we are each pet lovers and owners are selves as well as small business owners.

Quality not Quantity

We promote responsible pet ownership and quality care to all animals we have been blessed in crossing paths with.

Each Month our network will highlight two or more of our Member’s and their businesses. We will also feature a “Pet-Preneur of the week” so that you can continue to be introduced to outstanding pet professionals each day!

Thanks to all of you for making us your Arizona Professional Pet Network!

PRESIDENT: Kim MacCrone. Website Coordinator and Designer: Kim MacCrone

For further information please contact Founder:

Kim MacCrone at: vetekchic@gmail.com.

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