National Pet Travel Safety Day

National Pet Travel Safety Day was January 2nd, 2015
authorized use by Cow Dreamz Photography

Although we are past January 2nd, we wanted to post a very important article about travel safety with your pet/s. In today’s world pet lovers enjoy taking their fur family to many outings that not long ago would have been unheard of. There are pet friendly restaurants’, stores, parks, hotels and much more.

With the increase in pet friendly accommodations, brings many more pets traveling in cars, trucks and vans. For those of us in the pet business as well as those medical personnel in the human world, such as Fire Fighters and Paramedics, this leaves us holding our breath each time we see an un-restrained pet come out of a car once at their destination. People who have small dogs just love those Sunday afternoon drives with their little ones on their lap, head hanging out of the window, tongue and ears flapping in the wind.

So terrifying to even think about it!

Authorized for use by Visual Harmony Photography

Pets who are allowed to hang their heads out a car window are at risk for dirt, debris and anything else flying past, to embed in an eye. There are much worse scenarios than an injured eye.

We came across an article written by Colleen Paige; “Riding in Cars With Dogs” that really says it better than we could, because she’s seen these scenarios. Please click here to read Colleen’s article.

Please head Colleen’s warnings pet friends and make traveling with your pet fun and safe! Thank you!
Listen to someone who’s seen the end results of not properly securing your pet in your vehicle and letting your little fur babies ride on your lap with their heads hanging out the window. 
Thank you pet parents!

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